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We will post our weekly minutes here.

Instructions for those posting minutes.

These two things will help us keep this organized: (1) post the newest set of minutes on top, that is, let the reader see the very latest first; and (2) follow the general format for the minutes (i.e., provide the date, time, location, members present, and then the numbered content of the meeting afterward).

This basic structure will help everyone when reading the latest "scoop" on BCMPC.  Thanks!

  October-December 2003 Meetings

Business Club of MPC


Meeting 28Oct03


Loc: Library 213

Time: 2:30-3:10pm

Members present: Peter F., Agota S., Ginger M., Rykart K., MPC advisor Dr. Dan Fox.



  1. Peter sat down with some members to orient them to the BCMPC website.
  2. Gathered feedback regarding best times to meet: BCMPC faces a challenge of getting everyone (or most) to the same meeting.  Still working on this.
  3. Halloween Festival @ MPC (this Thursday, from 12:15 to around 1:30).
    1. Much like the International Festival of last academic year, there will be tables available for all MPC clubs and associations; will include activities and a live band.
    2. BCMPC will have a table there; Peter has arranged for some pizzas to be made available to the club: we will be giving away free slices, while promoting the goals/cause of the BCMPC club, including a banner, informational flyers & cards, and possibly a sign-up sheet.
  4. The ICC weekly meeting needs a representative from our club:  Agota Sandjaja volunteered to be our ICC rep.  Thanks Agota!
  5. Other service projects were reviewed/discussed:  (1) the Iraq Support project, where we gathered goods and materials for the needy in Iraq to be sent at an appointed date; (2) Thanksgiving Family Support project, where MPC clubs gather funds, food and resources to be given to some families in the community who may not have the ability to provide their own Thanksgiving dinner.
  6. Next Meeting (next Tues. same time and place) is Very Important:  will be sharing information about SIFE, an national campus business-oriented organization that may be getting a start at MPC.  SIFE stands for “Students In Free Enterprise” (see website:, and may be an opportunity for our club members in several ways (including dual membership, joint activities, and combined efforts toward similar goals, such as connecting with local businesses).  MPC Business instructor, Leandro Castillo, is seeking the formation of a local SIFE chapter (MPC club), and our club may be able to help in that enterprise, as well as benefit from the projects promoted by SIFE.
  7. Last minute ideas included: (1) putting these minutes up on the web page; (2) getting copies of the BCMPC flyers to Dr. Fox (for distribution to his classes), and copies to members to be given to their classmates across campus.

Minutes taken by Dan Fox, BCMPC advisor.


BCMPC Minutes!

  January-March 2004 Meetings

Minutes will go here.


  April-May 2004 Meetings

Minutes will go here.